Unlock your unique roadmap to a fulfilled life
Understand your unique Human Design and channel your energy to unlock the life you're meant to live
Understand your unique Human Design and channel your energy to unlock the life you're meant to live
Kinesiology is a holistic health discipline that uses the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well-being. It combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies the elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal energies and accesses the life-enhancing potential within the individual.” (Definition approved by the Australian Kinesiology Association 1999, amended in 2006)
The real goal of any kinesiology balance is to identify the bottom line cause of any imbalance and then resolve it. The imbalance may be :
Kinesiology is able, in a therapeutic sense, to access that information in order to assist the natural healing process.
I work with my clients to establish their Human Design - the most authentic map to guide you to your hymn sheet for this life. Before each initial session I look at your unique design to establish your energetic type , what you are given in this life to work with, and where you are to grow. How much time is occupied by deliberating on decisions - big or small. Human Design will help you understand your process better, freeing up time and reducing stress around the decision making process.
The world is continuously telling us who to be, and how to act. We are conditioned to react to messages daily instead of learning how to respond in a way most aligned with who we are and how we are designed. Human Design is an experiment. It offers practical tools to approach decisions as yourself through a process of strategy and authority. Living your experiment as a 'passenger' to your authentic self.
Human Design is not a belief system, Religion or a quick fix to solve all your problems. Its a life long system that provides a way of understanding what it actually means to live uniquely as yourself. Your Human Design is your roadmap to living an authentic life that will align you with the whisperings of your soul. Supporting your journey with kinesiology sessions will help you to re-balance your energy fields and help you shed the layers of societal conditioning over time.
I have at times in my life felt immense emotion, I have spent times feeling disconnected from what I am doing here, I have felt confused, unwell and quite frankly, beaten! Along the way of self discovery I came across the system of Human Design. It was like a permission slip to be myself! Further along I came across the modality of kinesiology. Between the two systems I've come to a very deep understanding of myself and the way I operate. This has been immensely helpful in the way I traverse this life.
I feel Empowered - to live the most unique and authentic version of myself possible.
I love this work, I find it endlessly fascinating and I love sharing it with willing participants.